
トランスコスモス グローバル事業統括においてコトラーの『マーケティング4.0』で紹介された5Aオリジナル指標を用いたロイヤルティ診断の事業開発を担当。現在はCX診断、パーセプション診断をあわせた「5ALoyalty診断」サービスとしてさまざまな企業に提案、戦略立案を行っている。本記事については、福島常浩がロイヤルティマーケティングの必要性や変化するマーケティングについて解説した記事を掲載している。


Three Strategies to Gain Customer Loyalty Part 2: Brand Strategy (3-part series)

As you are all aware, the marketing environment is changing at a dizzying pace. It has long been said that we are in an ...

Three Strategies to Gain Customer Loyalty Part 3: Customer Strategy (3-part series)

As you are all aware, the marketing environment is changing at a dizzying pace.It has long been said that we are in an e...

The Importance of CX in the ages of Weak Yen, Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 10

There is a growing worldwide movement toward WITH Corona to restore life before the Corona disaster.Against this backdro...

Three Strategies to Gain Customer Loyalty Part 1: Market Strategy (3-part series)

As you are all aware, the marketing environment is changing at a dizzying pace.It has long been said that we are in an e...

What is the Difference between 5A and NPS? Tsunehiro Fukushima Explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 7

NPS is widely known in Japan as an indicator to measure product and brand loyalty. I am sure that some of you are using ...

What is Market Creation? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 4

What is the concept of market creation? To continue to be chosen by customers, it is important to continue to provide va...

Combining AI and Marketing: Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 5

The term "DX" can be seen in every aspect of the world today, regardless of industry or occupation, as we are living in ...

What is Resilience? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 6

Have you heard of resilience? Resilience can be translated as "restorative power" or "elasticity" and was originally use...

What is Customer Journey? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 8

The customer journey is the history of contact between a customer and a product, service, or brand. Customers have a var...

What is Marketing? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 9

What is marketing? This is a philosophical question. The Japan Marketing Association defines marketing as "comprehensive...