
1982年に東京工業大学大学院を修了。味の素株式会社にて多変量解析を用いた市場定義モデルの開発、マーケティング部門において家庭用新製品開発及び新事業開発のマーケティング責任者、コンビニエンスチェーンとの大型製販同盟の事業を担当。 その後、GE Capital、三菱商事、ぐるなび、メディカルデータビジョンを経て、ビッグデータ事業、デジタルマーケティング責任者等を歴任。日本マーケティング協会公認マーケティングマイスター、一般社団法人日本市場創造研究会理事・事務局長に携わる傍ら同志社大学で教鞭も取っている。2020年現在、トランスコスモス株式会社 上席常務執行役員としてマーケティング関連の事業開発を担当。


Management with a focus on Marketing in the center will open up Japan’s future.  Former Ajinomoto’s Hiroki Oizumi and transcosmos’s Tsunehiro Fukushima in Conversation.

transcosmos' Fukushima invites guests to talk about the latest marketing situation. In this second episode, we hear from...

World Marketing Summit 2021 Tsunehiro Fukushima’s speech, Loyalty Marketing and Market Creation Open Up the Future.

The World Marketing Summit, initiated by Philip Kotler, the "father of modern marketing," has been held in countries aro...

The Importance of CX in the ages of Weak Yen, Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 10

There is a growing worldwide movement toward WITH Corona to restore life before the Corona disaster.Against this backdro...

What is Required of Marketers in the Era of “Ultimate Personalization”? A dialogue between former Kao Corporation’s Tatsuo Ishii and transcosmos’ Tsunehiro Fukushima

transcosmos' Tsunehiro Fukushima invites guests to discuss the latest marketing situation. For the first session, Mr. Ta...

What is the Difference between 5A and NPS? Tsunehiro Fukushima Explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 7

NPS is widely known in Japan as an indicator to measure product and brand loyalty. I am sure that some of you are using ...

What is Market Creation? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 4

What is the concept of market creation? To continue to be chosen by customers, it is important to continue to provide va...

Combining AI and Marketing: Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 5

The term "DX" can be seen in every aspect of the world today, regardless of industry or occupation, as we are living in ...

What is Resilience? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 6

Have you heard of resilience? Resilience can be translated as "restorative power" or "elasticity" and was originally use...

What is Customer Journey? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 8

The customer journey is the history of contact between a customer and a product, service, or brand. Customers have a var...

What is Marketing? Tsunehiro Fukushima explains Loyalty Marketing in the CX Era, Part 9

What is marketing? This is a philosophical question. The Japan Marketing Association defines marketing as "comprehensive...